Ball World

Is Rogério Ceni good for São Paulo?

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Is Rogério Ceni good for São Paulo? Many fans are asking themselves after the classic against Corinthians.

The love-hate relationship that fans have with São Paulo coach Rogério Ceni is impressive.

A few days ago, fans were happy after a good draw against the millionaire Palmeiras team. Now it seems that the honeymoon is over, part of the fans are asking for the coach to leave.

But after all, is Rogério Ceni good for São Paulo?

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Rogério is a coach who is reformulating the squad

In principle, this is a statement that every Tricolor fan agrees with, with many players that the fans asked to leave, in the end they left.

Expensive players who almost never took to the field left the club, another profile of players were hired.

Now the search is for players “hungry” for titles, players who need to assert their name in football. Who ultimately want to beat cheaper players.

In this way, Wellington Rato and company arrived at the cast, and so far some names are working. At least David and Rato are being well praised.

This change will bring savings of a few million per season, which will reduce the club's debt in the long term. However, some departures were felt, Wellington has not yet proven that it can replace Reinaldo's departure.

But in the general picture it seems that São Paulo did well in the market, not counting the arrivals of Erison and Caio Paulista.

Is Rogério Ceni good for São Paulo?

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Bad luck or lack of planning by Ceni and the Board?

Initially, São Paulo's right back has a strong name, Igor Vinícius, at least he is standing out on the field. However, the athlete was injured, due to pubalgia, and will still be left out in some games.

Rafinha, who would be the immediate replacement, is injured, sprained his ankle, and will be out for a few days. And Moreira also needed surgery and will be out for a long time.

Only the “beast” Orejuela was left, despite being the only athlete in the position, the fans unanimously asked for his departure.

Ceni, who was once heavily criticized for making his “gimmicks” by choosing players out of position, is now being asked to do this.

The truth is that Orejuela is very BAD, and cannot wear the São Paulo shirt. The coach hinted in the post-game interview that he will keep the athlete on the sidelines, at least in some games.

An attitude that made the fans revolt, and maintain strong criticism, even asking for the coach to leave.

Lack of humility in recognizing mistakes

Finally, another criticism that fans have made is about leaving Luciano on the bench in a classic the size of this Sunday's.

Although Luciano is being charged for his performance, which is not ideal, he is a decisive player. And he showed it this Sunday, scoring São Paulo's goal and almost tying the game.

The coach's justification was that the athlete was coming from a few games in a row, but FAIR IN A CLASSIC?

Is Rogério Ceni good for São Paulo?

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Answering this question is not so simple, I believe that the coach needs to recognize his mistakes in order to grow. However, I don't know if the coach's departure would be the best choice at this time.

He is putting together this team, he asked for players, we are still at the beginning of the season, the team tends to evolve. As for the fans, it is necessary to increase their support to make it work.

See more news about São Paulo on the Globo Esporte website.

Rogério Ceni faz bem ao São Paulo?