
How to get a digital voter registration card?

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How to get a digital voter registration card? The elections are coming, and soon we will need to remember where our voter registration card is. This is a document that is rarely used, so we keep it and do not always remember where it is.

Solving this problem is very simple, just have your voter registration card on your cell phone. Now, it will be easy to find the document you need to vote in the next elections.

Today you will learn everything about how to have your digital voter registration card on your cell phone. Don't waste any more time, get ready to vote in the next elections, and never lose your voter registration card again.

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Be a conscientious citizen, vote for your candidate easily with your digital voter registration card. See how simple it is to have this document on your cell phone whenever you need it. Without further ado, learn how to do it in just a few clicks.

Elections in 2024

First of all, the race for candidates has already begun, and you will need to go to your polling station and choose your mayor and councilor. Thus, all Brazilians over 18 and up to 70 years old are obliged to vote.

Brazilians between the ages of 16 and 18 can vote, but it is not mandatory, as are Brazilians over the age of 70. There is a penalty for those who do not vote, without any justification.

After election day, voters have up to 60 days to provide justification. Once the 60-day period has expired, voters will need to go to a registry office to resolve their pending issue with the electoral court.

Without resolving the issue, voters will not be able to register for any public competition, nor will they be able to receive salaries or benefits from public employment. They will also not be able to run for public office or obtain a passport. In short, there are many penalties for those who do not vote in elections for public office.

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e-Title Application

Initially, the only app capable of solving your voter registration problem is the e-Título app. With this app, you can have a digital copy of your voter registration card, all on your cell phone.

In addition, you have all the information registered with the electoral court, that is, you can find out where your voting point is, as well as your electoral zone, and if there are any pending issues with the electoral court.

You can easily access the app using your CPF number. With it, you can even justify your absence from voting. So, just access the app to find out where your voting location is, as well as all the information for election day.

Finally, we will now tell you how to have your digital voter registration card on your cell phone, solving many pending issues. On your cell phone. Now, you no longer need to go to the electoral court in your city to resolve pending issues.

How to download the e-Title?

Finally, you can download the e-Título by accessing your app store, or simply by accessing the link at the end of this text. Then, just click on the link to get the digital voter registration card on your cell phone.

Now, just install the app and register, then all your data will be in the palm of your hand with just 2 clicks. Have all your data on your cell phone, don't waste any more time, install the app on your cell phone right now and enjoy.

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Please note that documents scanned using official apps are accepted as original documents. So, when you need them, you can simply turn on your phone and access the documents.

Vote in the elections, participate in choosing your future ruler, do your part as a citizen.


Below are the app links in the app store, install it on your cell phone now.