Sao Paulo soccer club

São Paulo maintained regularity

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Firstly, São Paulo maintained its regularity, it was bad again, nothing new for the team that had its worst campaign in history.

São Paulo has a bad squad

At first, more is expected from a club the size of São Paulo, in the game against América Mineiro the weakness of this squad became clear.

Some players cannot wear the São Paulo Futebol Clube shirt, Igor Gomes's sudden drop in performance is inexplicable.

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No one can explain where the football he played for Paulista in 2020 ended up.

Now the right side is making fans sad, Igor Vinícius can't play, there's no way.

Diego Costa can't play, he's slow, he doesn't know how to play, he has low quality to be at São Paulo.

Now, Bruno Alves had a good moment, but it passed a while ago, he seems to be weak too, perhaps for the reserve bench, depending on his salary.

However, Rigoni seems to have said goodbye to Crespo and his good football on the same day, but he is a player worth betting on.

Like Gabriel Neves, he showed that he is a good player and can be in the starting team, good at marking, and knows how to play.

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Goalkeeper Volpi is a goalkeeper who does not inspire confidence, if someone in that position arrives he could lose space.

In this way, São Paulo maintained regularity.

“I only stay if I have backup”

Before 2022 was planned, coach Rogério Ceni already gave his message, saying he will only stay if the club strengthens itself.

Furthermore, he also said that he cannot throw a 26-year-old story in the trash, he is not wrong.

The Morumbi club urgently needs reinforcements, and also needs to clean up this bad squad.

Even so that the budget breathes and can pay good salaries to good players, and not pay good salaries to bad players.

São Paulo maintained its regularity, but it was bad again.

A team that managed to have the worst campaign in São Paulo's history in terms of running points needs a major overhaul.

Finally, fans hope for a large layoff list for 2022 and a good list of reinforcements.

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And finally a firm stance from an elected president to change the reality of São Paulo.

Find out more about São Paulo here.

Photo Rubens Chiri /

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